When starting your website it’s easy to overlook the most important factors when looking for a web host since many hosts advertise tons of features which you will probably never use. Many providers offer inexpensive packages by overselling their servers and cutting corners on hardware and service quality. This has a negative impact to the quality of hosting you are receiving from those providers.

There are many factors to take into consideration. Each factor can be weighed up according to the features each specific web hosting provider offers.


Technical Support – Test different companies before you sign up by emailing a question or two. If they respond quickly, it’s a good sign.

Disk space provided – Decide how much disk space you will require. Typically for an average website with several email accounts, 1 GB is plenty of space.

Uptime – You should make sure the host has 99% uptime at least otherwise you should look for a different host. Don’t fall for all the advertising gimmicks from these large hosts. You would be surprised to notice that they have substantial downtime.

Domain Name – What’s the point in buying web space if you cannot point your own domain name to the site? The web hosting company you choose should be able to help you register a domain name.

Backup – Make sure the Canadian web host has backup service in case of a serious problem.

Anti-spam – Spam refers to unsolicited or unwanted email. Spam does not refer to legitimate commercial email for which consumers have given their consent. Make sure the host has anti-spam software.

Software – You should make sure the host has an easy to use control panel and software that allows you to easily install popular scripts and CMS such as WordPress.

At Mexxus we do not cut any corners and provide several different web hosting plans to suit any requirement. Should you require something a bit more custom – No Problem! We can create you a custom tailored hosting plan just for you.

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